Kochi Blue Spikers: Kochi’s Own, Kerala’s Pride!

Project Overview
Kochi Blue Spikers (KBS), a prominent team in India’s Prime Volleyball League (PVL) and proudly owned by the esteemed Muthoot Papachan Group, launched a campaign to rally support from the local community in Kochi. ADCO MEDIA was tasked with creating a campaign that would elevate KBS’s profile and foster a sense of pride and ownership among Kochi residents.
Launching a sports team in a cricket-dominated country like India posed a significant challenge. The goal was to establish KBS as more than just a volleyball team but as a symbol of local pride and unity for Kochi. The campaign needed to deeply resonate with the community, forging emotional connections and generating widespread support for the team.
ADCO MEDIA devised the “Kochi’s Own, Kerala’s Pride” campaign, portraying KBS as deeply rooted in Kerala’s cultural fabric. The campaign slogan captured this sentiment, showcasing KBS not just as a sports team but as an integral part of local identity and community spirit. Through engaging visuals and compelling storytelling, we highlighted KBS’s journey, aspirations, and achievements, inviting Kochi residents to unite in their support.
The campaign utilized various media channels including social media, local events, and community engagements to effectively spread its message. By emphasizing KBS’s connections to Kochi and Kerala, the campaign successfully garnered enthusiastic support and engagement from the local population. This solidified KBS’s position as a beloved team representing the pride of Kochi and Kerala in the Prime Volleyball League.